White Imperial

 Neomyrina nivea

19 August 2023
I had an opportunity to observe the White Imperial (Neomyrina nivea) engaged in its flying ovipositing behavior, attempting to lay eggs. However, I wasn't able to capture a photo of it actually laid the eggs on the leaves.
Upon closer examination of the leaves where it attempted oviposition, I discovered several eggs on the tender shoots of this plant whose identity I am not certain, possibly the Chengal Tree.  I had some help from some experts, whose sharings have been really enligtening!

Comments from Mr Teo in my facebook post

The late Dr. S. Igarashi documented the life history of this butterfly (see below 👇) from Thailand.
He identified the larval host plant as Kurrimia paniculata and there is another plant this butterfly laid her eggs on it, but was observed in Laos, 👇

Igarashi also figured Kurrimia paniculata (picture below) in his comprehansive life histories book  (Looked like the plant I saw the eggs)

Tina Young's comments to Mr Teo
Potanthus Ttp is correct of course but Kurrimia paniculata is a synonym of Bhesa paniculata (Centroplacaceae). The only other known hosts that I know of are Neobalanocarpus heimii (Dipterocarpaceae) and Fissistigma wallichii (Annonaceae).



1 July 2023

